Monday, June 27, 2011

Organizing a Summer a Fun Way!

Eileen.....this one's for YOU!

Ah....summertime, and the living is easy! At least it should be. If you haven't already planned fun ideas for your family/kids/in-laws/parents/pets this summer - here's an idea..

Plan a once a week library/ice cream outing!

This combines two of my families loves ice cream & reading.

Here's how it works:

  • pick out a library in your area you have never visited
  • find an ice cream shop nearby
  • go to the library, take out some new books
  • go to the ice cream place for lunch - (not after lunch, for lunch!)
  • throw in a playground visit for good measure
  • return home with a happy tummy and settle down to read for a few hours
  • repeat next week with a different library and/or ice cream shop
  • result: fun cheap family time together and reading time for all!

How much does my family love ice cream? Usually once a summer we have ice cream day where we have ice cream for breakfast, lunch & dinner. Waffles & ice cream for breakfast, big sundae for lunch, small cone after dinner. But don't try this cold turkey - work up to it! And balance it out with a really l-o-n-g bike ride.....
If you don't know of any different ice cream places in your area, (unimaginable in my house, even my kids know all the ice cream places in a 25 mile radius) here's a list I just stumbled upon by USA Today of the top ice cream parlors in each state.

 ice cream shops!

Now go have fun, and try not to get the same flavor each time!

Crave more organizing tips? Just click to get a free sample of my eBook,
 30 Days to an Organized Home.

be organized.....evelyn

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